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Nigeria Girls WhatsApp Numbers For Friendship: WhatsApp Dating

Getting the WhatsApp numbers of Nigerian girls isn’t as easy as you think. I’ve come to discover, that Nigerian girls are truly among the friendliest people on earth. Chatting with Nigerian girls on WhatsApp is quite easy.

Nigeria’s first language is their Native language, and their second language is English. However, the official language of Nigeria is English, which is not too surprising, considering the fact that they’re colonized by Great Britain.

One good thing about Nigerian girls is that they’re super friendly, Kind, very educative, and among the happiest people on earth. Chatting with Nigerian girls on WhatsApp is very easy, once they trust you.

Nigeria Girls WhatsApp Numbers
Nigeria girls WhatsApp numbers

You should know that Nigerian girls on WhatsApp are very active. One outstanding feat that was celebrated recently in the country, was when the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) result was released, and a significant number of girls scored higher than the boys. Even in JAMB results, Nigerian girls scores higher than the guys.

Nigerian girls WhatsApp numbers for friendship and chatting

Nigerian girls dating on WhatsApp is not something new, and they are open to chatting with anyone. These phone numbers below belong to girls who opening asked and shared their numbers with us.

nigeria whatsapp number

We receive daily messages from Ladies in Nigeria, and here’s one we recently received.

Chat with Princess on Whatsapp

Hello, friends, my name is Princess, and am from the eastern Part of Nigeria. If you want my mobile numbers, I want to make friends from around the world, you can reach me through my WhatsApp number below.

girls whatsapp number in Nigeria

Name: Abidemi

Interest: friendship and Dating

Country: Nigeria

WhatsApp number: +234 785203658


girls whatsapp numbers in Nigeria

Name: Emilohi

Interest: relationship

Country: Nigeria

WhatsApp number: +234485965023


Nigeria whatsapp number of girls

Name: Adaeze

Interest: Friendship and

Country: Nigeria

WhatsApp number: +2346352541201


juliet ibrahim

Name: Dayo

Interest: relationship

Country: Nigeria

WhatsApp number: +234500474125


nigeria girls whatsapp number

Name: Hassana

Interest: online dating

Country: Nigeria

WhatsApp number: +234965233214


Here is a complete list of other girls, who asked us not to share their pictures, but gave us the approval to share their phone numbers. They also provided us with their correct WhatsApp status updates.

NameWhatsapp StatusAgePhone Number
DestinySilent people have the loudest minds and the best hearts21+234 785203658
FeleciaI love my friends28+234485965023
EllaWhy do I need to visit my friends, when I have none17+2346352541201
QueenYour beautiful smile is the key to my beautiful heart18+234500474125
JoySo tired and weak, God bless my struggles!24+234965233214
FavorLift me up and bless me abundantly1907065248553
ChisomBeauty lies in the face, not in the mind. Be beautiful inside too2907031926096
SusanI really love going out2608175502568
FelicityWhere is my iPhone?1909058820770

Do you need the complete list of all Nigerian Whatsapp Numbers, who are currently searching for companionship? Simply say so in the comment box, and we promise to send you the full list.

Don’t forget to share this list of all Nigerian Girls Whatsapp Numbers for Free Chat on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Whatsapp Numbers.

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